Just a reminder that the New Moon in Pisces has such tremendous power. The ancients honored this new moon as a New Year. 

Honor it, create your own special little ritual recognizing it, thanking it, and planting the seeds of your intentions for this next year.....the next 12 months.....until the next new moon in Pisces. 

What does that intention look and how does it feel? 

“Think it, Feel it, Know it... Be it “

The New Moon being today, wait until tomorrow (Or as you move out of the darkness and begin to see the glow of the New Moon). Plant your seeds in the amazing depth of the Pisces Moon. 

And don’t forget to write it down. As you write It down, you are grounding it. You are making it happen. Make sure it is written with surety, positivity, and with the knowing and belief that it has already been created for you. Thank you!!!

Enjoy and have fun doing it!!!

Love & Light,
