How is everyone doing? It seems like one day the energy is very slow, and the next very intense. All in all, many seem to be adapting a bit easier, especially with more understanding of what is going on, and how swiftly we are moving.

We are definitely moving ahead energetically. This is a good time to stop and think about how far you have come, and look at what you have been through. Give yourself lots of credit and really love yourself for making it through it all.

Stop, breathe, and feel the new found freedoms that are opening up inside you. Notice the changes you are making. Everyone is shifting at their own timing...we need to realize that seeds are being planted at such a significant pace. This is because of you, as you are a pioneer in this new world....

Thank you for keeping your light shining, and assisting the world to change, wherever you go.

With so much gratefulness to everyone of you!