Shifts continuing through August 11.

Just a month to go!!!
Yet definitely a month of seeing ourselves in a new light.....therefore, still needing to continue to recognize and release what is blocking and holding us back from moving into that new space that is being created.

We have made it through another huge Cosmic Shift. Beginning on July 13, we were taken through two Eclipse and are moving into a third eclipse on August 11. This is all bringing in a higher energy that will have a profound impact on us. This high energy point is called the Lions Gate. On July 26, the sun, earth, and the star Sirius aligned to certain points in the sky, creating an opening between the physical and spiritual world. On August 8 or 8/8, the alignment reaches its highest point. This gateway is known as the Lions gate as it is peeking in the sign of Leo.

Rebirth is the word that has been coming to me ever since we moved through July’s connection of the Full Moon and the Full Eclipse. It is like we are presently going through a gestation period. Our usual way of operating seems foreign to us/yet it’s not clear what it is going to look like on the other side.

As I read from Sandra Walters today, “ Remember the mirror gets very close as we transcend the need for the veils.”. ( the veils separate us from the higher dimensions. They are now getting thinner and thinner 
as we begin to transcend the need for the veils). She went on to say,”Put down the blame thrower and look within at every lesson presenting for your OWN Ascension and timeline choice in this NOW.”

I am personally finding that the ability to see into that mirror is merging with what I am viewing and the clarity is becoming profound. Pay close attention to what is coming up. Dismiss it – we no longer need judgement on our journey.

Chose the Higher Light in ALL situations.
Love and Light

Wed. August 8....Lions Gate

Sat. August 11...New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse. 2:46 AM... PDT

Sun. August 26... Full Moon... 4:58 AM PDT.